Major, Eddy here has a little problem with his girlfriend.
Did you ever have a problem like that when you were ten?
Yes, I did. Bob.
I liked a girl in my class but all the other guys liked her, too
and she didn't pay any attention.
But I kept after her, Eddy.
Did you finally get her to notice you?
Yes, I did.
In fact, I finally got her to marry me.
You should pay attention to the teacher.
She was wearing a new dress, but he didn't even notice it.
He told us he had seen it, but in fact he wasn't really there,
May I have your attention, please?
Did you notice that he had a very strange habit?
When moving day arrives for a PCS,
the inventory list is the official record of your possessions.
Any item that's not on the list might as well not even exist.
It's up to you to make sure the list is accurate before signing it.
So be sure to check over the inventory list.
It's there to protect your valuables.
inventory : catalogue, index, list
official : authorized
possessions : belongings, property
accurate : correct, exact, precise
valuables : jewelry
PCS : permanent change of station
might as well
It's up to you : It depends on you
So be sure to : Be sure to be on time
Can you tell which of these crashes happened far from home?
And which ones were nearby?
Probably not.
But are you more likely to be involved in a crash close to where you live?
So no matter how short the trip, it's critical for everyone in the car to buckle up,
in the front and rear seats, to always use child's safety seats
in every driving situation, and to save your family from the pain
of having to attend one of these.
crash : a vehicle accident
involved : connected
critical : important
buckle up : to use a safety belt
rear : the opposite of front
be likely to ~ 할 가능성이 있다. ~ 할 것 같다.
Close to ~ 가까이.
You love them with all your hearts.
You care for them all on your own.
Being a parent is difficult enough and being a single parent
can be even more challenging.
And that's why Family Advocacy has programs designed especially for you,
like single parent support groups, classes in parenting skills
and stress management.
You work hard to take care of your family.
And it's nice to know you don't have to go it alone.
challenging : difficult, hard, tough
advocacy : support, backup
design : plan, lay out
management : dealing, control, handling
Our country's trees have helped shape the American spirit.
Trees that clear air and protect the land.
Thick forests of pine, birch trees, and apples.
One tree has been selected by the people to represent all of America's trees.
The oak is America's national tree.
You can go to the Arbor Day Foundation website arborday.org
and see which oaks or other great American trees can grow where you live.
The oak is America's national tree.
1. Although we lost the game, our spirit got greater and
2. He selected a shirt to match his suit.
3. Presidents represent their own countries and their
4. There are a lot of oak trees in my neighborhood.
5. The Rockefeller Foundation gives money to help artists.
If all kids were alike, raising them would be a lot easier.
All kids would like one kind of activity, have the same favorite meal,
the same favorite TV show, and on and on.
Of course that's not the case.
In reality, every child is different.
Each child has his or her own interest.
No two children think or act alike.
Take time and get to know them as individuals.
'Cause that's what they are.
Get to know your kids and all the wonderful things that come with them.
1. They are identical twins. They look so alike.
2. I wonder how she could raise five children without her husband.
3. The rights of the individual should be respected.
4. My parents raise wheat and corn on their farm.
5. He is an amusing individual.
# a lot + 비교급 ~ 훨씬더 , even more.
that come with them = It comes with it (덤으로)
cf) It comes standard with it (기본으로)
OK, actually, it was discovered around 1800s, early 1800s.
Um, it was actually started around 1820.
The hot springs were used by movie stars.
It was really big in the Hollywood scene to come down for the spa
and enjoy the facility.
Well, actually, we have various pools as you've seen.
We have the jacuzzis.
We have the muds.
There're a lot of little sections anywhere between 10 to 15 sections.
spring : water coming up through the ground
facility : a building or service for a particular purpose
various : different; a number of
jacuzzi : a whirlpool bath
mud : wet, sticky, soft, earth
In your home, there's a small device that can cut your risk of dying in a fire.
It's a smoke detector, but it can't do its job if it isn't working properly.
Test it once a month.
Keep it dustfree.
And if it takes batteries, change them twice a year.
These few simple steps just may save your home, and your life.
1. This is a device for sharpening pencils.
2. She saved my life at the risk of loosing her own.
3. Do you have a smoke detector in your house?
4. I'm learning Japanese, but I still can't speak it
5. She enjoys cleaning. Her house is always dustfree.
Maybe you've learned to ignore the warnings.
How tobacco degrades even a young man's physical performance,
both on and off the job.
Maybe you choose not to think about how dependence on nicotine
affects your concentration and clouds your thinking.
Maybe you figure it's just not a problem for you.
Well, believe this.
One day soon reality will strike.
1. You'd better ignore the child if he misbehaves. He'll soon stop.
2. Don't degrade yourself by arguing over money.
3. This book will need all your concentration.
4. Age will cloud our memory.
5. I figure that you want to go out.
We do things together.
But we have different interests.
I like tennis, but he can't stnad it.
I like golf, but she doesn't see the point.
Then there's pizza.
We can never agree on the toppings.
But we did agree on making a will.
It was easy.
We both knew we should have one.
Even though we're married, we're still two separate people.
And if anything should ever happen, we'd want to look out
for each other.
We know that there are no guarantees in life.
But it helps to plan.
interest : a state of giving attention
topping : something put on top of food
will : one's dying wish
separate : different; isolated
guarantee : promise; assurance